Game over per Demon Tribe


A pochi mesi dal suo arrivo in occidente e a solo un anno dall’esordio in Giappone, si spengono i riflettori per Demon Tribe. Inizialmente conosciuto come Project Omega, il titolo iOS di Sega Networks era riuscito inizialmente ad attirare l’attenzione per via dei nomi dello staff sbandierati alla stampa (Masayoshi Kikuchi, Masayoshi Yokoyama e Ryuta Ueda), così come per alcune tracce di codice sul teaser site (che lasciavano pensare ad un progetto in uscita su più piattaforme). Il titolo chiuderà i battenti ufficialmente il 31 Marzo 2014 mentre da oggi non è più possibile acquistare tramite microtransazioni la valuta interna del gioco.

Di seguito il comunicato rilasciato da Sega of America, dal quale è possibile intuire un’assenza di pubblico tale da giustificare lo sviluppo di nuovi eventi per il gioco (intuizione per l’occidente facilitata osservando i pochissimi post presenti sulla board ufficiale):

IMPORTANT: Service for Demon Tribe is Ending

Thank you very much for your support!

We regret to inform you that all game services for Demon Tribe will be ending on March 31, 2014.

Since we began service in Japan on February 28, 2013, we have put every effort into improving the game’s systems and operations, and providing enjoyable in-game events. Unfortunately, at this point we are unable to continue to give Demon Tribe the support it deserves. After careful consideration of all aspects of the needs of our players and the game’s development, we have arrived at the very difficult decision to end game services in all territories.
The development and operations teams are very grateful to all our players who have enjoyed and supported Demon Tribe, and we look forward to sharing future adventures with you.

The schedule leading up to the end of service is as follows:

January 30, 2014, 18:00 JST: CP purchases end.
January 30, 2014, 18:00 JST: Item Discount Sale
Early February, 2014: Version 2.0.7 update (includes additional assault missions, etc.)
Mid-February, 2014: Special rewards begin for Demon Tribe players transfering to Kingdom Conquest 2 ( This offer applies to players who created an account prior to the January 30, 2014 maintenance. Details will be announced soon.
March 31, 2014, 20:00 JST: Service ends. Game will not be available.

Although only a limited amount of time remains, we hope you continue to enjoy Demon Tribe until service ends.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:Why is service ending?
A:We are unable to provide a satisfactory level of service for our players, and have had to make the very difficult decision to end service.

Q:Can new players still register for Demon Tribe?
A:New players can still register to play the game up until March 31, 2014.

Q:Can I still buy CP?
A:CP can no longer be purchased after January 30, 2014. The items you can buy with CP will be available at a discount until service ends.

Thank you for your understanding!

~ The Demon Tribe and SEGA Teams

[Source: | Thanks to Dagho via Forum]

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