Articoli marcati con tag ‘Mika Hayes’

Kinect nel futuro di Sega

In una recente intevista al sito, il presidente di Sega West, Mike Hayes ha dichiarato che Sega continuerà a supportare la periferica Microsoft e che in futuro, vedremo sempre più giochi con funzionalità Kinect.

On Kinect we’ve definitely bought into that with what Microsoft has been saying, they’ve done a great job on Kinect, so we’ve got Rise Of Nightmares exclusively on it, and we’re using Kinect functionality in our games going forward. So it’s ticked a lot of boxes.

Una strada che Sega sembra aver già preso con Virtua Tennis 4, il prossimo Binary Domain e Rise of Nightmares, quest’ultimo sviluppato completamente attorno al Kinect.

Hayes si è espresso in modo positivo anche per le nuove piattaforme Sony e Nintendo, dando pieno supporto a PS Vita:

We’ve given a lot of support to Vita. I think we’re the only playable third party code on the stand actually, Virtua Tennis 4. And we gave a commitment to Sony quite a while ago that we would support Vita, and you’ll see a lot more announcements on that over the coming months.

e Wii U

And as you know, Sega’s reasonably close to Nintendo, so again, we had the first look on Wii U. With Aliens: Colonial Marines we’ve actually been using the controller, but because we were the only third party that has something working it was decided not show that, quite rightly.

Staremo a vedere se Sega saprà sfruttare in modo intelligente queste nuove piattaforme.


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