Anche Ruffian Games lavorava ad uno Street of Rage

Anche Ruffian Games, come GRIN, stava lavorando ad uno Street Of Rage digital delivery. Il designer Sean Noonan, ora al lavoro su Watch Dogs presso Ubisoft, ha infatti confermato l’originalità di un video comparso alcuni giorni fa su Vimeo.
Gaz Liddon, boss di Ruffian Games, sorpreso dalla comparsa del video, ha successivamente condiviso su Youtube una versione con audio dello stesso, aggiungendo alcune informazioni a riguardo:

So it seems like one of my previous projects has leaked, as pretty as I remember
Sean Noonan

Here are some scenes from a playable prototype. It was something we built very rapidly and represents pre-pre-pre-pre (lots of pres) pre-Alpha quality. Even so it has a certain charm

What’s the story behind it all? Like a lot of developers we work on a lot of different prototypes, they’re just not usually shown in public. In this case an older version of the same video was leaked last week which came as a bit of a surprise if I’m honest. As it had no sound I thought there wouldn’t be any harm sharing a version with audio.

Beyond that there’s not a lot more I can say unfortunately

Gaz Liddon

What you can see was 6-8 weeks work by a small pitching team.
Sean Noonan

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[Thanks to Dagho]

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